Because you and your baby deserve nothing but the best

My name is Meagan Pa, and I am the founder and CEO of this company. First and foremost I am the mother of four beautiful children. In addition, I am a Registered Nurse, and a Lactation Consultant. Before this I worked as a Childbirth Doula certified with DONA International, a childbirth instructor for the Bradley Method®, an Infant Massage Instructor, and a Leader in La Leche League International. My work in creating this product has been to help make life easier for mothers everywhere.
My Story

I discovered baby carriers when I was pregnant with my first child nine years ago. I absolutely loved the convenience of keeping my son close to me while also being able to move about. My son was a bit colicky and the carrier seemed to be the only place he would calm down. When my daughter arrived just two years after my son, I already had my carriers lined up and ready to use with her - but this time, I was frustrated at the inconvenience of having to switch carriers as she grew.
My daughter was born in the fall and by the time summer arrived I realized I had another problem: I needed a carrier to wear in the water, too. My rambunctious two-year-old son was fearless. There was no waiting for mom to calmly walk him to the water. He would jump feet first into the pool or run straight for the waves at the beach. It was a struggle keeping him safe while also holding my six-month-old baby girl in my arms. I went on a hunt for a water carrier and came up nearly empty-handed.
I decided that if I couldn’t find what I needed, I was going to make it. Only one problem - I couldn’t sew. I enlisted my mother to help me and we went on a hunt for the right material. I knew right away that if I was going to develop a baby carrier, I wanted one that could do it all. This would be The Original All Purpose Baby Carrier.
We are an adventurous and energetic bunch, so I set out to make a single carrier that could grow with my baby, with plenty of pockets so that I didn’t have to carry a cumbersome diaper bag with me. It also had to be waterproof and great for all climates and temperatures - cool in the summer yet able to keep baby warm in the winter months.
Finding material and the right design to meet my needs took time.

Five years to be exact! In that time, I had two more kids, went back to school, and started a new career as a Lactation Consultant. I continued to slowly work towards making the carrier of my dreams, and each of the prototypes was put to the test in real life with my own babies.

My friends were also having babies at this time and would frequently ask me about my carriers. I understood the issues they were experiencing with their carriers from my own first-hand experience and wanted to share my carefully crafted dream baby carrier with them.
I’m so excited to finally share the Amphiba Baby Carrier. Becoming a new mother presents many thrilling moments, as well as a number of challenges. The Amphiba Baby was created to make baby wearing as easy and enjoyable as possible. We’re sharing this carrier with other families around the world so that we can all live life to the fullest - without worrying about swapping baby carriers or grabbing a diaper bag!